So You Think You Can’t Dance Classes

“Get up off of that thing. Dance, and you’ll feel better”. – James Brown

These series are designed for everyBODY! Never danced before? We’ve got YOU! It’s been a looonngg time and you're not sure it’s still in you? We’ve got YOU! You are a dancer and are always looking for classes here in the burbs, We’ve got YOU. Want to participate but can’t do the whole series? We’’ve got YOU too. Just send us a message and we will work it out. The only prerequisite is that you are ready to move and have fun!

It’s no secret that moving your body has unlimited benefits - better blood circulation, muscle development, a deeper connection with your physical form, a load of endorphins, a powerful detox… the list goes on! So, we’ve created a community workshop series where everyone is invited to tap into the healing power of movement.

You’ll follow a series of movement cues to relaxing and fun music. The choreography builds upon itself each week and is so easy to follow. Rest assured, you don’t have to worry about learning quickly or remembering steps—we've got you covered!!

The company members are master dance teachers, somatic movement practitioners, pilates Instructors, personal trainers, and yoga instructors who offer classes and workshops throughout the community.

COMING UP: Our Signature Adult Contemporary Monday night class series 6:30pm -7:45pm. Our 6 Week Winter 2025 series begins January 27th

In Good Company Dance is on a mission to empower, everyBODY to dance. Our "So You Think You Can't Dance?!" series is open to all ages and abilities, and offers introductions to various styles of movement; modern, contemporary, ballet, and Jazz.

Classes are at a new location! 74 Oceanport Ave. Little Silver, NJ

SUMMER DANCE JAM Workshop 2023

Saturday is an opportunity to get a fun taste of all different styles of dance with our incredible In Good Company Dance dancers and choreographers.

Sunday is a special addition Afro-Contemporary class with our incredible guest artist, Erin Bryce Holmes, MS, LCAT, BC-DMT, apprenticed with Urban Bush Women, was a principal dancer with Kariamu & Company: Traditions, African American Dance Ensemble, Tania Isaac Dance, Dance Theatre X, Denovo, Ephrat Asherie Dance and worked with Bill T. Jones developing FELA! She has guest lectured at Carlsbad High School, Central Academy of Technology and Arts, Temple University, UNC Charlotte, College of New Rochelle School of New Resources, Antioch University, Russell Sage College and Drexel University. Erin has taught classes at Dance New Amsterdam, PMT dance studio and Dance Theatre of Harlem. She continues to present choreography while currently working as a visiting instructor at Pratt Institute, a dance therapist at Interfaith Medical Center, and director of Bryce Entertainment, LLC.